
First look at the Nailz Craze stamping plate

May 23, 2012

Finally, I'm proud and excited to share with you my latest nail related project!
I've been working on a nail stamping plate with my own original designs. I am really into stamping and was looking to create something new and unique, something that you don't see in every nail stamping set there is out there, so I came up with the idea of the butterfly wings - which is a gorgeous design but very difficult to make ever for those who are truly talented with freehand drawing.
That's how the first Nailz Craze stamping plate was born.

This plate is all about nature and really focuses on the butterfly wings design. I thought it would be a good idea to include an option for both directions and for small and large nails. That's the reason you will find four wings designs on this plate, along with some other new and original designs you probably didn't see much on stamping plates, which are the peacock feather and the dandelion. The rest of the designs are more common but still are very lovely. They include heart shaped patterns in different variations. Actually when I created them I felt they are a part of the nature theme because the heart shape is coming from the center of the peacock feather, and the tiny hears combined together create little flowers.

Of course the first pattern I wanted to swatch for you was the butterfly wings. I think that was the pattern that most ladies were excited about :) And so was I!
Here are some photos of the butterfly wings nail stamp I did yesterday, right after I received the stamping plates. First I've created an orange gradient over the nails and then I applied the wings stamp (used WnW black creme for the stamp). Then I've added tiny white dots with a dotting tool and there you go - you've got yourself a gorgeous butterfly wing nails design with minimum effort. 
I really love the result and it was quite easy, of course much easier than that time when I tried making this design by freehand.

Butterfly wings stamping plate - Nailz Craze

Butterfly wings stamping plate - Nailz Craze

Butterfly wings stamping plate - Nailz Craze

Butterfly wings stamping plate - Nailz Craze

Butterfly wings stamping plate - Nailz Craze

Butterfly wings stamping plate - Nailz Craze

The peacock feather design is also one of my favorites, I really love the fact that you can play with it and create different designs because it's a long stamp. For instance, you can apply it on long nails, or you can split the design in two and place on each nail a different part of the feather.
I haven't done a full mani with this stamp yet bet I will defiantly do that soon and post all about it.
Actually my nails are quite short at the moment (well I wasn't expecting the plates to arrive so fast and I thought I had some time to let them grow) so you can't really see most of the feather design on the nail, but on longer nails that should be gorgeous. 
For the feather stamp I also used WnW black creme over mocha gold Skin Food nail polish.
Peacock feather stamping plate - Nailz Craze

This is the full Nailz Craze NC01 stamping plate. As you can see it's a larger plate and it's size is 7 cm in diameter. It was important to me that the designs will be large enough to cover even long nails, so I needed a bit more room for them all.

The top wings are smaller and should fit short nails. That's actually what I used on my nails from the pictures above. The upper wings are 1.6x1.5 cm which was great for my short nails - they are currently 1.5 cm long and the wing stamp covered them just right. For the long nails I've made the stamp a bit larger and it's 2x1.6 cm.

The peacock feather stamp is quite long - it's 3.5x1.5 cm. Since it's such a long stamp, you probably would not get the full design on one nail unless you have super long nails and a super-duper-huge-jumbo-XL stamper :P just kidding, most chances there is no such stamper, but maybe someone will be creative and create something like that. What I like about the feather is that you can choose what part you like the most and use it, or place the feather on two or even three nails in parts, so the result will be one long gorgeous feather.

The middle flowers / hearts pattern is also large (2x1.6 cm) and can easily cover long nails.
The hearts row on the left is 1.7 cm long, the hearts flower on the top right is 0.8x0.8 cm, and the dandelion on the bottom right is 1.7x1 cm long.

Nailz Craze stamping plate NC01
Nailz Craze stamping plate NC01

Since these designs are pretty large, I would defiantly recommencement using a larger rubber stamper to get the best results. You can see the comparison of a regular small stamper on the right (can be found on ebay for $1 with a plastic scraper) and the black XL stamper on the left. I actually got it as a gift so I don't know where you can buy one like this, but if someone knows - please share it with me and I will gladly post the info here so my readers can get this stamper for themselves.
This is actually super great stamper. It's surface is larger and it feels a bit sticky, which I think helps to get a better image from the plate on to the nail. I think it's a silicone stamper but I'm not sure.On the other side of the XL stamper there is a small red rubber stamper.

I'm hoping to post more swatches of my plate in the next few days. I know that many of you liked the dandelion design as well so I'll try to swatch it soon.
If you are wandering where you can get this plate, please visit Nailz Craze facebook page and read the Purchasing and FAQ note. There you can find all the information about buying my Nailz Craze stamping plate. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

For now it's the only plate I have for sale but I believe that I will be coming up with more new designs in the future. Feel free to suggest anything you would like to see on the next stamping plates.
Tomorrow I will be sending out the first orders I've received from anxious stampers :) Really excited about it!
I know this post was super long, so those of you who read it all - I really appreciate it. It took a while :)

I would be happy know what you think about my designs and the stamping plate. Please don't be shy and leave your comment below :)

Thanks for reading!


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  1. Beautiful mani i really love the ones where u are holding the tomatoe lol

    1. Thanks Diana. Actually my mom suggested the tomato thing and I was like "uhh really? I don't think it's going to work" but now I really love these photos :)

  2. I love, love, love this plate!!! Your nails look so awesome and amazing!!!! I just can't wait to get my nails to look like yours... You are truly giving me some help. I would never have been able to create this look and I have loved it for so long.. Thank you!!! I hope you will come up with more plates.. If so I am so going to order from you!!!

    1. Thank you Nicole! I'm so excited :) I will be sending the plates today and I hope you will get yours soon. Would love to see your manis with this plate :)

  3. Great plate, wow! Great job!

    Hey just after reading your post, I saw the xl stamper on the next blog i was reading. It needs translation but hope this helps:

    Let me know if it helps :) I'm at Swatchitup.blogspot.ca

    1. Thanks! I'm going to check this post right away! :D

    2. Found something here: http://www.cesarsshop.fi/stamper-whitered-p-3343.html
      Thank you very much!

  4. Holy Moley those butterfly nails are beautiful!!!

  5. OMG that's amazing! I've done these butterfly nails a few times by hand, but that's nothing compared to yours!

    1. Thank you very much! I've tried once making this design freehand but that was extremely hard and the result wasn't as perfect as with this stamping plate! :)

  6. ואוו מדהים,כל הכבוד על האומץ והרעיון ממש יפה.
    אהבתי נורא את העיצוב הכתום עם הציפורניים...שיהיה בהצלחה :)

  7. Hi it's me again from swatchitup.blogspot.ca. I recently received a Versatile Blogger Award.

    I love your blog and have been enjoying reading your posts. As such, I would like to pass the versatile blogger award onto you. Please see your mention in my post here: http://swatchitup.blogspot.ca/2012/05/versatile-blogger-award.html

    If you accept the award, I’d love to read your post. (No worries if you do not accept, I understand.)

    Have fun and keep up the great blogging!

    1. Thank you so much Terra! That's an honor :)
      I'm working on my post as well but that could take a while. Didn't know picking up the 7 fellow blogs would be so hard :)

  8. Oh my God that plate is just amazing!! I love your butterfly mani!

  9. Omg such a gorgeous nail design! You did an awesome job <3
    I had no idea pretty plates like this actually existed; I only own a couple with silly flowers and mini butterflies on them :/

    1. Thank you so much! :) I was aiming for something quite new and unique :) Pretty happy with how it turned out.

  10. These are wicked! And the first set of plates that I actually want to get!And because I have to get it I am now trawling ebay for a stamper! =P Can't wait to see more of your designs!

    1. Thank you! :D Actually it's not a set but only one plate I've produced, but I assume more will come in the future.
      Let me know if you want to order and need any help.
      Thanks :)

  11. Your plate is absolutely great! I really admire bloggers like you who have come up with stamping plates. Your designs are original and that is what makes your plate unique. I will follow your blog and I will recommend your plate on my blog ;)

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I really appreciate it :)

  12. i just love it! are these plates available in india? m in india where can i purchase them? thanks!

    1. Hi :)
      I ship them worldwide. I'm having a pre-sale for the plates now, you can see more info here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/nailz-craze/purchase-faq/312586412154289
